Medium Roast Subscription

$17.00 USD
Tax included.

Roast Level


Flavor Profile

Citrus - Maple Syrup - Stone Fruit

Weight: 12oz
Grind size: Whole Bean
Blend Contents -

Finding year round consistency is hard... Currently our blends consist of a combination of Parainema, Catuai & Pacamara.

Our goal is to produce coffees that people want to drink regularly. Coffee-flavored coffee. We try not to overthink it. This medium roast epitomizes that idea. As with all of our coffee, we take care from before the beginning, we encourage ideal growing conditions in our forest, helping nurture symbiosis without a heavy hand. We forgo the use of pesticides and fertilizers, instead, we help maintain a healthy ecosystem, primarily by letting the forest do what it does best – grow. Through attention to the details, walking our nursery early selecting only the strongest plants, we have set up a system that supports itself.

When we taste our coffee this is what we taste. A biodiverse forest that works and a cup of coffee that, like it's growing conditions is balanced – making it smooth, and easy to drink.

Read more about our farm here...