Breakfast Blend

$17.00 USD
Shipping & Tax included.

Roast Level


Flavor Profile

Almonds - Brown Sugar - Cacao

Weight: 12oz
Grind size: Whole Bean
Blend Contents -

Finding year round consistency is hard... Currently our blends consist of a combination of Parainema, Catuai & Pacamara.

If our mission is to make coffee-flavored coffee, then we also need to honor the flavors that the majority of people associate with coffee, and that is the roast. While our medium and lighter roasts let the flavor of the coffee shine, our dark roast emphasizes the complexity the roaster can add, pronouncing the cacao and nuttiness that underlies the flavors of our other coffees. This dark roast is the perfect gateway into our microcosm. Familiar in flavor, but like with all our coffee unique and special

Read more about our farm here...